Helsinki Walking Tours


Picture depicts our beautiful Esplanade park during the summer time.

Principles of Safer Space are in place – for all of my tours

Helsinki Walking Tours Ltd Principles of Safer Space

Updated May 16, 2022

Principles of Safer Space are in place – for all of my tours. These principles of safer space are designed to ensure that everyone feels welcome, safe, and included during my activities. These principles have been developed by the Helsinki Walking Tours Ltd and are in line with the Safer Space Principles generally in use globally and Helsinki Walking Tours Ltd fully observes these Principles of Safer Space. They apply to all of my activities, whether in-person or online. You can find them on my website and they should be accessible to anyone attending my tours. We aim to review and update these principles periodically.


Show care and be mindful

Demonstrate care for those around you. Consider how your words and actions impact others and prioritize their well-being. Treat others as you would like to be treated. Additionally, take care of yourself, others, and the environment.


Respect diversity

Respect the diverse perspectives, experiences, and backgrounds of others. Honor their choices, identities, personal space, and boundaries. Use appropriate pronouns and be aware of your own privileges. Avoid making assumptions about anyone. Helsinki Walking Tours Ltd has a zero-tolerance policy for any form of discriminatory or harassing behavior or language, including but not limited to racism, sexism, narrow-mindedness, offensive language, violence, or threats.


Think and be considerate

Recognize that not everyone may share the same comfort levels or preferences as you. Avoid pressuring anyone to do something they are not comfortable with. Remember that something you find fun or funny may be distressing for others. Anticipate situations where someone might feel uncomfortable and take steps to prevent or avoid them. This includes obtaining consent before touching anyone and being mindful of how your words and non-verbal cues (such as staring) may make someone uncomfortable. If someone expresses discomfort, offer a genuine apology and learn from your mistake.


Foster positive communication and contribute to a welcoming atmosphere

Greet others and be kind, polite, and open. Keep in mind that new members or non-members may be unfamiliar with certain activities, so provide information and include them. Listen attentively, engage in conversation, and ask questions. If you are unsure or don’t know something, don’t hesitate to ask. If someone asks for assistance, try to help. If something bothers you, speak up. Communicate both positive aspects and concerns or uncertainties. Help cultivate an open, conversational atmosphere and a community built on trust.


Follow instructions and take action if needed

Act in a matter-of-fact manner and expect the same from others. If you witness or become aware of inappropriate conduct, do not hesitate to intervene. Seek help from the tour guide if necessary. If you require support, reach out to them. In case of an emergency, dial the general emergency number 112.

These principles aim to create an environment where effective communication, safe participation, and self-expression are encouraged. While the Helsinki Walking Tours Ltd guide is responsible for setting an example in terms of safety, every individual should feel empowered to address any inappropriate behavior that may arise. If you find it challenging to intervene, seek assistance from a friend or organizer. Remember that your actions within a tour with Helsinki Walking Tours Ltd can positively contribute to the well-being and safety of everyone involved.